After a zombie becomes involved with the girlfriend of one of his victims, their romance sets in motion a sequence of events that might transform the entire lifeless world.
Out now at Apple TV - Amazon Prime - Directed by Magnus Martens and written by Aleksander Kirkwood Brown, "There's Something in the Barn" delivers an enchanting fusion of horror and comedy against the picturesque backdrop of Norway. With Martin Starr, Amrita Acharia, and Kiran Shah leading the cast, the film follows the Nordheim family's relocation to a remote Norwegian cabin, where they unwittingly encounter murderous elves residing in their barn. Drawing inspiration from classics like Gremlins, Krampus, National Lampoon's, and Home Alone, the movie crafts a unique and entertaining horror comedy experience. The storyline unfolds as the Nordheim family settles into their new abode, with young Lucas (Townes Bunner) stumbling upon the presence of elves in their barn. Ignoring the local legend of "Barn Elf Rules" has dire consequences for the family as the narrative progresses. The film introduces a diverse a...
Tim Curran is an American author of horror fiction. His works include the novels Skin Medicine, Hive, Dead Sea, Resurrection, Skull Moon, The Devil Next Door, and Biohazard. His most recent books have been The Spawning, the short story collections Bone Marrow Stew and Zombie Pulp, and the novellas "1867: The Skulleater Campaign", "The Corpse King", and "Fear Me" When did you first become interested in writing? Oh, probably when I was 12 or 13. Up until that point my exposure to horror fiction came in the form of movies, TV, and horror comics. It was then I started ordering horror books from the back pages of Creepy and Eerie magazine. That’s when I really started falling in love with it—the Pan Books of Horror, Masters of Horror, Horror Times Ten, the Frankenstein Horror Series, those Dracula paperbacks by Robert Lory. I fell in love with horror fiction then. Before that I read a lot of science fiction, particularly H.G. Wells, Robert Heinlein, Issac Asimo...
Q: You get to be something that most actors don't get to be. You're a bomb of a character. How would you fit in? How will you upset the universe? A: I come in there because I am a housewife and I beat up two men in a bar. I claim to be Anne Frank, which millions and millions of schoolchildren have read the book, we all assume is dead but do we really know. I seem to have proof that what I say is true. So at first nobody believes me but the more proof I bring the more people are investigating if what I say is true. Not only that, there's somebody in there who works in this time that I seem to recognize from Auschwitz concentration camp. So I'm pointing fingers at people too. Q: How will this affect the characters running the asylum? A: You definitely will but that is already set in motion isn't it? Like you know, there's not going to be the moment where you're like oh my God, I thought this person was good. I don't know if...
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