Interview with Howard J. Ford and Jon Ford
Ahead of the Horror Channel’s UK TV premiere of the acclaimed THE DEAD, on Sat 27 Sept@ 22:50, the Ford Brothers relive the drama of the malaria-stricken shoot in Africa, revealing the budget for the first time, and talk of revenge in their next movies! How do you two write? For example, does one pace the floor whilst the other types? Jon: Ha that's funny! You hit the nail on the head! Normally you will find Howard frantically writing away while I pace the room acting out the scenarios and shouting the lines like some demented theatre actor on steroids. The writing stage is one phase of the project where we work together very well. We are almost never in conflict with each other, each jumping in where the other got to in a particular scene but also bringing together our differing perspectives and weaving them together. We can't always say the same for the actual shoot, but on The Dead there was normally some life threatening situation taking place, which does ten...