
Showing posts from July, 2012

Scout Tafoya

Scout Tafoya is an independent horror movie director from my native Bucks County, Pennsylvania. It was fun to discuss the creative process of low budget filmmaking with him. Inspiration, talent and hard work motivate this young man to do what he loves most. He is already very prolific having made ten feature films. Scout also has lots of plans and ideas for future films. What inspired you to make movies? I don't know that there was a moment or an incident; it's just always been that way. As far back as I can remember, I've known that I was going to make films. The first thing I remember, as far back as memory goes, is watching Aliens with my parents. From there it was onto Last of the Mohicans, Heat, The Birds, Hard Boiled and Them! By the time it occurred to me I could be anything I wanted to, there was just no chance I was going to be an architect or a politician. Everywhere I looked I saw stories I wanted to tell. Everytime I looked out a window, I was daydreaming scree

Scout Tafoya

Scout Tafoya is an independent horror movie director from my native Bucks County, Pennsylvania. It was fun to discuss the creative process of low budget filmmaking with him. Inspiration, talent and hard work motivate this young man to do what he loves most. He is already very prolific having made ten feature films. Scout also has lots of plans and ideas for future films. What inspired you to make movies? I don't know that there was a moment or an incident; it's just always been that way. As far back as I can remember, I've known that I was going to make films. The first thing I remember, as far back as memory goes, is watching Aliens with my parents. From there it was onto Last of the Mohicans, Heat, The Birds, Hard Boiled and Them! By the time it occurred to me I could be anything I wanted to, there was just no chance I was going to be an architect or a politician. Everywhere I looked I saw stories I wanted to tell. Everytime I looked out a window, I was daydreaming scree

Charles Day

Charles Day is a talented fiction writer from New York State. His writing is diverse because it includes both YA and adult fiction as well as novels and published short stories. It was great to interview him about his books, his day job and his love of Stephen King and King's son Joe Hill. How did you get involved with writing? Do you prefer short stories or novels in terms of telling a story? A few years back I began writing my first novel, “Deep Within,” while working on a secured psych unit doing evening and overnight shifts. After I finished it and started sending it around, all I received was rejection after rejection, so I placed it back in my drawer. About a year later I started going on line to these small press publishers who were looking for submissions for short stories into their anthologies. So I started writing short stories. Well, in less than two years, I received a bunch of rejections, but I still managed to sell 14 short stories to various small press publishers.

Charles Day

Charles Day is a talented fiction writer from New York State. His writing is diverse because it includes both YA and adult fiction as well as novels and published short stories. It was great to interview him about his books, his day job and his love of Stephen King and King's son Joe Hill. How did you get involved with writing? Do you prefer short stories or novels in terms of telling a story? A few years back I began writing my first novel, “Deep Within,” while working on a secured psych unit doing evening and overnight shifts. After I finished it and started sending it around, all I received was rejection after rejection, so I placed it back in my drawer. About a year later I started going on line to these small press publishers who were looking for submissions for short stories into their anthologies. So I started writing short stories. Well, in less than two years, I received a bunch of rejections, but I still managed to sell 14 short stories to various small press publishers.