George A Romero
Where did the idea first come from? You're moving on quite quickly from Land Of The Dead... Aw, I know. I actually wrote a first draft of this even before Land Of The Dead was financed. Initially we were having trouble getting financing for Land. I first sent it just before 9/11, then 9/11 happened and everyone wanted warm, friendly, fuzzy movies, preferably with a pro-Arabic bent, so it didn't fit the mould. So I had written this, and I sorta took it out of the drawer and I was so frustrated with not being able to get the financing for Land, I basically said to Peter [Grunwald, producing partner], “Remember that old thing about college kids making their own film...?” So I started to fiddle around with it. At the same time I was updating Land and trying to give that a post-9/ll spin, but I couldn't really find a handle on this one. Eventually Land got financed so I put this one away again, and then because of the worldwide success of Land I went back to it. Just how su...